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Catalogues d'expositions monographiques
Raphaël Hefti
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On Core / Encore
This catalogue was published on the occasion of the exhibition “On Core / Encore” by Raphael Hefti held from 11 October 2015 to 10 January 2016 at the Fondation Vincent van Gogh Arles.
The practice of the young Swiss artist Raphael Hefti (b. 1978) has its point of departure in the investigation of the unrecognized potential of materials and industrial processes. The alteration of a sheet of metal or a pane of glass marks its point of arrival. Hefti thereby intervenes not only in technical processes but also within industrial manufacturing plants, which become the laboratory for his research. In addition to The Violet Blue Green Yellow Orange House (2014), his permanent installation crowning the Fondation’s glazed extension, Hefti is exhibiting the results of other artistic experiments, including a forest of steel, copper, titanium and aluminium poles and a photogram in an extremely large format.
Publisher: Fondation Vincent van Gogh Arles under the direction of Bice Curiger Authors: Bice Curiger, Laura Mc lean Ferris, Julia Marchand and Paul Kneale Introduction: Maja Hoffmann
Bilingual edition French/English Softback, colours ill., 112 pages Published in September 2015 ISBN 979-10-94966-02-0
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